Mumbai, January 31: As actor Tejasswi Prakash lifted the 'Bigg Boss' Season 15 trophy, several friends and celebrities shared congratulatory messages on social media. Kishwer Merchant took to her Instagram Story and shared a glimpse of the 'BB 15' winner with the trophy. She wrote, "Congratulations tejaaaaaaa @tejasswiprakash," with a red heart emoji. Tejasswi Prakash Wins Bigg Boss 15, Actress Poses With Her Parents And Says ‘The Trophy Comes Home’.

Kishwer Merchant

Kishwer Merchant (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Pavitra Punia also congratulated the actor by writing, "Congratulations @tejasswiprakash. Winner #biggboss15," on her Instagram Story.

Pavitra Punia

Pavitra Punia (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Karanvir Bohra shared a picture on his Instagram Story of Tejasswi posing with her parents after the big win. He added, "Congratulations girl @tejasswiprakash."

Karanvir Bohra

Karanvir Bohra (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Kushal Tandon shared a still of Tejasswi in the 'Bigg Boss' house and wrote, "@tejasswiprakash congrats all heart."

Kushal Tandon

Kushal Tandon (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Beating Karan Kundrra and Pratik Sehajpal, Tejasswi lifted the 'Bigg Boss 15' winner's trophy and took home the cash prize of Rs 40 lakhs. Pratik became the runner-up in the race to win.

During the finale, Tejasswi was also introduced as the lead actor for the upcoming season of Ekta Kapoor's 'Naagin'. The show had a star-studded two-part finale, the first part aired on Saturday and the second aired on Sunday from 8 pm onwards.

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