Mumbai, January 31: As actor Tejasswi Prakash lifted the 'Bigg Boss' Season 15 trophy, several friends and celebrities shared congratulatory messages on social media. Kishwer Merchant took to her Instagram Story and shared a glimpse of the 'BB 15' winner with the trophy. She wrote, "Congratulations tejaaaaaaa @tejasswiprakash," with a red heart emoji. Tejasswi Prakash Wins Bigg Boss 15, Actress Poses With Her Parents And Says ‘The Trophy Comes Home’.
Kishwer Merchant
Pavitra Punia also congratulated the actor by writing, "Congratulations @tejasswiprakash. Winner #biggboss15," on her Instagram Story.
Pavitra Punia
Karanvir Bohra shared a picture on his Instagram Story of Tejasswi posing with her parents after the big win. He added, "Congratulations girl @tejasswiprakash."
Karanvir Bohra
Kushal Tandon shared a still of Tejasswi in the 'Bigg Boss' house and wrote, "@tejasswiprakash congrats all heart."
Kushal Tandon
Beating Karan Kundrra and Pratik Sehajpal, Tejasswi lifted the 'Bigg Boss 15' winner's trophy and took home the cash prize of Rs 40 lakhs. Pratik became the runner-up in the race to win.
During the finale, Tejasswi was also introduced as the lead actor for the upcoming season of Ekta Kapoor's 'Naagin'. The show had a star-studded two-part finale, the first part aired on Saturday and the second aired on Sunday from 8 pm onwards.
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