Comedian Raju Srivastava mourned the demise of legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar on Sunday. Expressing his grief on this devastating news, he said, "I would like to thank God for making a personality like Lata Mangeshkar to be born in India. It pains me to even say that she is no more. She was like a sister and mother figure for many Indians." Lata Mangeshkar No More: Amitabh Bachchan Pays Homage to the Legendary Singer, Says 'Voice of a Million Centuries Has Left Us'.

However, he added that people like her will never truly leave. "But she hasn't gone anywhere. Just like trees and plants, sun and moon Ganga Ji, rivers and seas will always be, similarly, Lata Ji will always be with us. We will keep listening to her songs and keep seeking inspiration from her," he said. RIP Lata Mangeshkar: Beyond the Borders, Diplomatic Circles Mourn the Demise of the 'Nightingale of India'.

Srivastava also noted the passing away of the veteran singer just a day after Saraswati Panchami. "People like her are not ordinary. She was an avatar of Devi Saraswati. We celebrated Basant Panchami yesterday and prayed to Maa Saraswati and today, the Saraswati of this world has left us," he added. Talking about Lata Ji's humourous side, he shared, "Lata Ji also used to do excellent mimicry. She used to copy singer Mukesh Ji, Mohammed Rafi Ji and her sisters -- Asha Ji and Usha Ji. So she was also a brilliant mimicry artist."

The iconic singer passed away on Sunday at the age of 92. She had been admitted to Mumbai's Breach Candy hospital on January 8 after she was diagnosed with COVID-19 and pneumonia. Lata Ji is survived by four younger siblings- Asha Bhosle, Hridaynath Mangeshkar, Usha Mangeshkar and Meena Mangeshkar. The last rites of the late singer with full state honours will be conducted at Shivaji Park at 6.30 pm today.

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