Actor Varun Dhawan has surely made Sunday special for his fans. Taking to Instagram, Varun dropped a video with his father and filmmaker David Dhawan. In the clip, the father-son duo is seen striking 'The Punjaabban' song hook step from Varun's upcoming film 'Jug Jugg Jeeyo'. Varun Dhawan Has a Cryptic Response To Question on His OTT Debut; Is He Talking About Citadel?

"Enjoyed doing the #famstep with my dad. Since the wedding banger #naachpunjaabban is out now send your reels with your families or loved ones #jugjuggjeeyo," Varun captioned the post. Varun and his father's video has left fans in awe of their cuteness. "Aww so cute," a social media user commented.

"How adorable," another one wrote. Jugjugg Jeeyo Song The Punjaabban: Varun Dhawan, Kiara Advani Enthrall Fans by Launching Their New Number in Delhi.

Check Out Varun Dhawan's Instagram Post Below:


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'Jug Jugg Jeeyo' is helmed by Raj Mehta. Anil Kapoor, Kiara Advani, Neetu Kapoor and Maniesh Paul are also a part of the family drama, which is scheduled to release in theatres on June 24.

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