Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor are being lauded for their performance in Bawaal. The film was released on Prime Video on July 21. And now on Monday, the makers unveiled the film's new song ''Kat Jayega''. Sung by Romy and composed by Tanishk Bagchi, the track is penned by Shloke Lal Take a look at the track. Bawaal Dialogues: Janhvi Kapoor-Varun Dhawan's Film Trolled for Lines Like ‘Every Relationship Goes Through Their Auschwitz’ and ‘We are All Little Like Hitler’.
Bawaal is directed by Nitesh Tiwari, who is best known for helming blockbusters like Dangal and Chhichhore. The film is a romantic drama set against the backdrop of World War 2. The film has Varun playing a history teacher who takes Janhvi Kapoor's character on a trip to Europe to visit World War 2 sites. On receiving an overwhelming response, Varun said, "Ajju bhaiya ne Mahual bana diya. Thank u for giving bawaal a place In Your heart. I have never received so many calls for any film of mine. The impact this film is having on people is incredible. Bawaal Song 'Dil Se Dil Tak': Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor's Parisian Romance Looks Adorable (Watch Video).
Check Out The New Track Of Bawaal Here:
It’s a conversation starter about the fake image industry and how today we are all in someway slaves to this ideology. Thank u for watching and enjoying Ajju and his family. You are #bawaal.” It was shot in Paris, Berlin, Poland, Amsterdam, Krakow, Warsaw along with Lucknow and two other cities in India. The film's crew had more than 700 people with action directors and stuntmen hired from Germany.