Workin Moms, a mommy-comedy sitcom created by Catherine Reitman, will conclude after its upcoming seventh season. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the sitcom, which debuted on the CBC network in Canada in 2017 before being picked up by Netflix two years later, is written, directed, and starred in by the daughter of the late Hollywood director Ivan Reitman. Liz Sheridan, Best Known for Playing Jerry Seinfeld’s Mother Helen in Sitcom Seinfeld, Dies at 93.
In the winter of 2023, the final season will premiere on CBC and CBC Gem, followed by a global Netflix release. The final season, which will have 13 half-hour episodes, is now being worked on by Wolf + Rabbit Entertainment in Toronto. "And so, it is with love and gratitude that I'm announcing season seven as our final season. The biggest thank you to our partners, CBC and Netflix, for getting behind a show that points a flashlight into the darkest corners of motherhood. To those of you who've stopped me on the street, to share your love of the show -- I see you. I hear you. And I thank you. Go get 'em mamas," Reitman said in a statement. Shin Ha Kyun and Won Jin Ah Confirmed to Star in New Sitcom Written By Yoo Byung Jae.
Along with Dani Kind, Jessalyn Wanlim, Philip Sternberg, Ryan Belleville, Sarah McVie, Sadie Munroe, Peter Keleghan, Nikki Duval, and Enuka Okuma as Sloane Mitchell, Reitman will return to star in the show's final season, as reported by The Holy
The show's creator and star also shared the news in a video on Twitter, calling the "hilarious" and "very moving" finale a "love letter" to the audience and to her father, who passed away earlier this year. The previous season came to an abrupt end. Executive producers for the movie Workin' Moms include Reitman, Sternberg, Jonathan A. Walker, Tina Horwitz, and Joe Sorge. The seventh season will be directed by Jessie Gabe and Karen Kicak, who will also act as executive producers.
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