Staple American animated comedies Bob's Burgers, The Simpsons and Family Guy are coming up with two more seasons each, continuing their long-time runs on Fox through the 2024-25 broadcast cycle. According to Variety, a US-based news outlet, the renewals secure Bob's Burgers 14th and 15th seasons, Family Guy's 22nd and 23rd seasons, and The Simpsons record-breaking 35th and 36th seasons, further cementing its position as the longest-running scripted television series in history. Did The Simpsons Predict Bad Bunny’s Infamous Phone-Throwing Incident? This Viral Clip Featuring the Rapper Will Make You Think So!

"With this trio of renewals, we celebrate excellence in animation on Fox, our wonderful, long-time partnership with 20th Television and the brilliant creators and incredible voices behind these forever favorites," said Michael Thorn, Fox Entertainment's president of scripted programming in a statement as quoted in a report by Variety. "Three-plus decades of The Simpsons, more than two decades of Family Guy and over a decade of Bob's Burgers proves the enduring power of the animation genre on our network and the infinite fan affinity for these outrageously funny comedy classics." Chris Ledesma, The Simpsons Music Editor For 33 Years, Passes Away at 64.

For the 2022-23 season, all three programmes are now ranked among the top 10 comedies, with The Simpsons coming in at number four, Family Guy at number five, and "Bob's Burgers" at number one for the second consecutive year. Furthermore, with an average of 5.1 million P2+ viewers this season, Family Guy maintains its lead as Fox's most-streamed programme ever.

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