Actor Bipasha Basu, who welcomed her daughter Devi Basu Singh Grover in November last year on Saturday opened up about how Devi was born with two holes in her heart. During a chat with actor Neha Dhupia on Instagram Live, Bipasha got teary-eyed while sharing the journey of herself and Karan Singh Grover as parents. Bipasha revealed that Devi had to undergo surgery when she was three months old. She said, “Our journey has been very different from any normal mother and father, it has been a lot tougher than the smile that I have on my face right now. I would not wish this to happen to any mother. For a new mother, when you get to know that...I got to know on the third day of me having a baby that our baby is born with two holes in her heart. I thought I will not share this, but I'm sharing this because I feel that there are a lot of mothers, who helped me in this journey, and it was very difficult to find those mothers. Bipasha Basu Reveals Her Daughter Devi Underwent Open-Heart Surgery When She Was Three Months Old (Watch Video).

When you give birth you don’t want anything to go wrong with your child.Bipasha shared how they came to know about VSD (ventricular septal defect). The actor added, “We didn’t even understand what a VSD is. It is a ventricular septal defect. We have heard about it, when kids grow it shuts on its own. We went through a crazy period. We didn't discuss this with our family, we both were in a little bit of a blur when we came out of the hospital. We wanted to celebrate but we were a little numb, me and Karan.” The actor revealed how she and Karan made themselves ready to get their daughter operated.

She continued, “Last three months we are fine but the first five months have been very difficult for us. But Devi has been fabulous from day one. She is a fighter. We were told that every month, we have to do a scan to know if it's healing on its own. But with the kind of large hole that she had, we were told that it was doubtful, you will have to go through surgery. And the surgery is best done, when the child is three months old.” Bipasha also talked about the emotions that she and Karan went through this time. “You feel so sad, so burdened, so conflicted because how can you put such a small child in open heart surgery? I remember during the third month we had gone for a scan. I had done the research, met surgeons in the hospitals, and spoken to doctors. Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover Celebrate Daughter Devi's 8-Month Birthday, Actress Shares Cute Family Photo On Insta.

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Karan was not ready, I was ready to kick this out of her.” She also informed Neha that Devi is okay now and wanted to share a message with all mothers out there, “It is the toughest thing to have your little child and have these ten doctors explain to you what all can happen. Devi had a very successful operation, but those 6 hours when she was in the OT, my life felt like it stopped.” Bipasha and Karan Singh Grover welcomed their first child, on November 12, last year, six years after their marriage. Taking to Instagram, Bipasha shared a post through which she announced the name of her daughter. The picture read, "12.11.2022. Devi Basu Singh Grover. The physical manifestation of our love and blessings of Ma is here now and she is divine."