Barney the Dinosaur, the iconic purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex from popular animated series Barney & Friends, is getting a three-part documentary series for NBCUniversal's streaming platform Peacock. According to Variety, the documentary is produced by Scout Productions with Tommy Avallone on board as director and executive producer. Matsya Kaand: Zoya Afroz Talks About Playing Urvashi in MX Player's Thriller Series, Calls the Web Show 'A Roller Coaster Ride' (LatestLY Exclusive).
“Barney the Dinosaur was a ubiquitous character for children and parents alike and we are thrilled to work with the Scout Productions team to bring this three-part series to Peacock. This documentary is bound to captivate audiences like Barney has over the years,” said Rod Aissa, executive vice president of unscripted content for NBCUniversal Television & Streaming. The documentary will features exclusive interviews, archival footage and first-hand accounts of the Barney phenomenon from the cast and crew to its most outspoken critics. Maggie Gyllenhaal Birthday Special: From The Dark Knight to Donnie Darko, 5 of the Actress's Best Films According to IMDb.
The character was created by Sheryl Leach and made its debut in 1988 in the ” Barney and the Backyard Gang” home video series. That was followed by the PBS series “Barney & Friends,” which aired until 2010. The untitled documentary will premiere on Peacock in 2022.
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