The cremation ceremony of singer Bappi Lahiri will take place on Thursday morning. In a statement, the family members mentioned that the last rites will happen tomorrow as they are waiting for Bappi's son Bappa Lahiri to return from Los Angeles. Bappi Lahiri Had Obstructive Sleep Apnea Since Last Year: Doctor.

"The cremation will take place on the arrival of Bappa from LA tomorrow mid-morning. We are seeking love and blessings for his soul," the statement read. Bappi Da Used to Joke, Made Us Laugh, Despite His Illness, Says Late Singer’s Relative Mahendra Verma.

Bappi Lahiri was 69 when he breathed his last on Tuesday night at CritiCare Hospital in Mumbai. He passed away due to Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

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