Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor, on Tuesday, wrapped up the shooting of his next project with actor Bhumi Pednekar. Taking to Instagram, Arjun shared a video which he captioned, "Chala jaata hoon, kisi ki dhun mein, dhadakti #Dilli ki galiyon mein. Until next time, #Delhi! #Wrap #ShootLife #BTS." In the video, Arjun shared some moments he spent during the Delhi schedule of his film with Sanam's song 'Chala Jaata Hoon' playing in the background. Arjun Kapoor Begins Shooting for His Next Film in Delhi, Says ‘It Has Been a Hugely Lucky Charm for Me’.

Arjun Kapoor Wraps Shoot in Delhi


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Via Arjun Kapoor's Insta Story 

Soon after he shared the video, fans swamped the comment section and dropped red hearts and fire emoticons. "I WISH YOU MANY WISHES ARJUN," a fan commented. Another fan wrote, " Big fan Arjun sir love this acting." Arjun also shared an adorable video on his stories which he captioned, "@bhumipednekar v/s kuttey." Bhumi re-shared the video on her stories and wrote, "Waiting for Arjun Kapoor in Kuttey."

In the video, Bhumi could be seen playing with a black dog on the sets of their upcoming project. The Badhaai Do actor donned a black shawl and blue jeans paired up with black heels. As per reports, Arjun Kapoor, Rakul Preet Singh and Bhumi Pednekar are coming together for a romantic comedy film directed by Mudassar Aziz for which the trio already jetted off to London to shoot the foreign schedule of the film. Although an official announcement from the makers of the film is still awaited. Bhumi Pednekar Birthday: Meet the Fashionista Whose Sartorial Attempts Are Always a Show Stealer.

Arjun and Bhumi will also be seen in director Ajay Bahl's upcoming film The Ladykiller. Apart from that, Arjun also has a dark comedy Kuttey alongside actors Tabu, Naseeruddin Shah and Radhika Madan in his kitty which is all set to hit the theatres in January 2023. Bhumi, on the other hand, will be also seen in Karan Johar's Govinda Naam Mera alongside Vicky Kaushal and Kiara Advani, which is set to stream exclusively on the OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar from December 16, 2022.

Rakul, on the other hand, was recently seen in a comedy film Thank God alongside Sidharth Malhotra and Ajay Devgn. Helmed by Indra Kumar, the film failed to impress the audience at the box office. She will be next seen in RSVP's next Chhatriwali.