Actors Arjun Kapoor, Bhumi Pednekar and Rakul Preet Singh will be seen sharing screen space in a film titled Mere Husband Ki Biwi. On Thursday, the makers announced the project with a release date. The film will hit the theatres on February 21. Arjun Kapoor Issues Warning to Followers About Fake Account Claiming To Be His Manager; Says, ‘Please Don’t Fall for These Scams - Stay Safe and Alert’ (View Post).

"Yahaan pyaar ki geometry thodi twisted hai--kyunki ye love triangle nahi, pura circle hai! #MereHusbandKiBiwi In Cinemas 21st February, 2025," a post read on the official Instagram handle of Pooja Entertainment.

‘Mere Husband Ki Biwi’ Release Date Announced


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The makers also unveiled the film's motion poster which shows a man's shoe caught between a stiletto and a Punjabi jutti.

Mudassar Aziz, who earlier helmed projects like Khel Khel Mein and Pati Patni Aur Woh, has directed Mere Husband Ki Biwi.

Excited about the film, Aziz in a press note said, "As a filmmaker, I've always believed in telling stories that entertain, and leave audiences of all ages smiling.

I believe such films that endure and make for repeat viewings. Mere Husband Ki Biwi is a film that celebrates the quirks and complexities of romantic relationships. I've always been one for wholesome entertainers--movies that bring friends and families together, make them laugh, and give them something to talk about. That's exactly what we've aimed for with this film."

He added, "It's lighthearted, relatable, and full of moments that will stay with you long after you leave the theater. I was eager to cast it exactly this way and when the audience meets their characters, they will know just why! " Arjun Kapoor Opens Up on Hashimoto’s Disease and Depression, Know Key Facts About This Autoimmune Disorder.

The plot details have not been disclosed yet. The movie is produced by Vashu Bhagnani, Jackky Bhagnani, and Deepshikha Deshmukh.