Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap's daughter, Aaliyah Kashyap's pre-wedding celebrations have already started. On Sunday, he shared a heartwarming picture from her haldi ceremony. Taking to his Instagram handle, he posted a picture of her daughter with Shane Gregoire. The photo shows a lovely couple soaked in turmeric paste and flower petals. They were surrounded by her close friends Khushi Kapoor, Ida Ali and others. Along with the stunning picture, he expressed his love by dropping a heart emoji. Aaliyah Kashyap's Engagement: From Suhana Khan to Alaya F, Check Out Who All Graced Anurag Kashyap's Daughter's Party.
Khushi Kapoor also took to her Instagram handle to share pictures from the ceremony. Her rumoured boyfriend Vedang Raina and Imtiaz Ali's daughter, Ida Ali, were among those who attended the celebration. The post began with her stunning pictures in the beautiful outfit she opted for the special occasion along with a photo of herself and Vedang applying Haldi on the couple. "Haldi morning," the caption reads along with the pictures.
Aaliyah Kashyap’s Pre-Wedding Festivities
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On Wednesday, Khushi took to her Instagram Stories to re-share a picture from the festivities. The image featured Aaliyah, her fiance Shane Gregoire, and their close friends, including Khushi, Ida Ali (daughter of filmmaker Imtiaz Ali), and others. The group, dressed in traditional attire, looked stunning as they posed for the camera. The original post was shared by Ida Ali with the caption, "It has started!! Mr & Mrs Shane Gregoire, Aaliyah Kashyap." Anurag Kashyap Hugs Daughter Aaliyah Kashyap in an Adorable Picture, Calls Her His ‘World’ (View Pic).
On Monday, Anurag Kashyap penned an emotional note about spending a special day with his daughter before her wedding. The father-daughter duo went for a movie outing to watch I Want To Talk, directed by Shoojit Sircar and starring Abhishek Bachchan."My daughter gets married in a couple of weeks, and we went on our last movie date together before I give her away, to watch @shoojitsircar's I Want to Talk. It was like a deep cleansing of the soul watching this beautiful film with @aaliyahkashyap. I laughed and teared up. Like Arjun Sen, we all have our personal marathons, and the filmmaker captures it so unintrusively, armed with a career-best performance by @bachchan (he has fully come into his own) and the two powerhouses Reeya's @ahillyeah and the little one whose name I don't know. I'm still absorbing it and finding it hard to articulate my exact feelings because I can't count the number of emotions I felt watching this film. Do yourself a favour and watch it while it's still in cinemas. If nothing else, it will definitely talk to you in ways you might not expect. You are special, Shoojit, and you know it," read his heartfelt caption.
Anurag Kashyap’s Heartfelt Note
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Aaliyah and Shane got engaged in a private ceremony in Mumbai last year, announcing the news on Instagram in May 2023.
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