Makers of high-octane action Kannada thriller starring Anupam Kher and Dr Shivarajkumar titled Ghost unveiled the trailer of the film. Taking to X, Shiva Rajkumar shared the poster with the ink of the trailer video. "#Ghost Trailer Out Now | In Cinemas Oct 19 @lordmgsrinivas @SandeshPro @AnupamPKher @ArjunJanyaMusic @TSeries @PenMovies." he wrote. The trailer video starts with a intense entry of Shivarajkumar, with all of the convicts in the jail bowing their heads before him. Anupam Kher Visits Ayodhya to Launch His Program on Lord Hanuman Temples, Shares Pic On Insta.

Watch Ghost Trailer Here: 

He removes his black mask amid fight scenes. Next, he was seen sitting and chatting with Anupam Kher in a park. Both wore black coats with matching pants. The movie is directed by filmmaker Srini. It will hit the theatres on October 19. Pen Studios who are known to venture into pan-India Cinema, and have brought movies like Ravi Teja’s Khiladi, Sitaraman, Vikram and more to the Hindi market are all set for their first Kanada collaboration. Meanwhile, Kher was last seen in The Vaccine War, which was released on September 28. Calorie: Anupam Kher Wraps Up Punjab Shoot, Shares Pic on Insta!

Kher has also shared the look of his character from his 528th film, the Telugu drama, Tiger Nageswara Rao. Tiger Nageswara Rao is a period film set in the 1970s based on real incidents around a notorious and courageous thief (Ravi Teja) and the people of Stuartpuram. Written and directed by Vamsee, the film is produced by Abhishek Agarwal under the Abhishek Agarwal Arts banner and presented by Tej Narayan Agarwal. Kher has also completed the shoot of his film Calorie in Amritsar, Punjab. The film is directed by Canadian director Eisha Marjara.