Anil Kapoor Pens Heartwarming Note Following Daughter Rhea Kapoor’s Wedding, Says ‘Our Hearts Are Full and Our Family Is Blessed’ (View Pic)

Anil Kapoor on Monday shared a social media post in which he described his family as "the biggest blockbuster ever." He posted a picture from daughter Rhea's wedding, which happened recently. Rhea is the second of the three children of Anil and Sunita Kapoor including Sonam and Harshvardhan.

Bollywood ANI|
Anil Kapoor Pens Heartwarming Note Following Daughter Rhea Kapoor’s Wedding, Says ‘Our Hearts Are Full and Our Family Is Blessed’ (View Pic)
Anil Kapoor on Daughter Rhea Kapoor’s Wedding (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Bollywood veteran actor Anil Kapoor on Monday shared a social media post in which he described his family as "the biggest blockbuster ever." He posted a picture from daughter Rhea's wedding, which happened recently. Anil took to his Instagram handle, and along with the picture, he also shared a family photo, which featured his wife Sunita Kapoor, daughters Sonam and Rhea, son-in-law Anand Ahuja and Karan Boolani, and son Harsh Vardhan Kapoor. Rhea Kapoor-Karan Boolani Wedding: Anil Kapoor Opts For A Blue Kurta And White Dhoti As The Father Of The Bride; Distributes Sweets To Media (Watch Video).

In the caption of the post, he wrote, "And with that, I feel like my Magnum Opus is complete...With our 2 super-daughters and 3 super-sons, we have the biggest blockbuster ever! Our hearts are full and our family is blessed." Anil's daughter and film producer Rhea Kapoor got married to longtime boyfriend Karan Boolani at her father's Juhu bungalow in an intimate ceremony on Saturday night, with the presence of a few family members. Rhea Kapoor-Karan Boolani Wedding: Arjun Kapoor, Anshula Kapoor, Sanjay Kapoor And More Arrive At The Venue (View Pics).

Post her marriage, she shared a beautiful photo from her wedding with Karan and wrote a heartfelt note. It read, "12 years later, I shouldn't have been nervous or overwhelmed because you're my best friend and the best guy ever.But I cried and shook and had stomach flips all the way through because I didn't know how humbling the experience would be." The note further continued, "I'll always be that girl who had to come home to Juhu at 11 pm before my parents fell asleep. Only until now I didn't know how lucky I was to feel torn. I hope we make a family so close that we have many, many loves of our life. Mine are @karanboolani @anilskapoor @kapoor.sunita @sonamkapoor and @harshvarrdhankapoor forever more."

Check Out Anil Kapoor's Instagram Post Below:


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by anilskapoor (@anilskapoor)


Rhea is the second of the three children of Anil and Sunita Kapoor including Sonam and Harshvardhan. She is also the niece of filmmaker Boney Kapoor and has co-produced films such as 'Aisha', 'Khoobsurat' and 'Veere Di Wedding', all three starring Sonam. Rhea reportedly fell in love with Karan Boolani while they were on the film sets, shooting for 'Aisha', and have been going strong ever since.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

Bollywood ANI|
Anil Kapoor Pens Heartwarming Note Following Daughter Rhea Kapoor’s Wedding, Says ‘Our Hearts Are Full and Our Family Is Blessed’ (View Pic)
Anil Kapoor on Daughter Rhea Kapoor’s Wedding (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Bollywood veteran actor Anil Kapoor on Monday shared a social media post in which he described his family as "the biggest blockbuster ever." He posted a picture from daughter Rhea's wedding, which happened recently. Anil took to his Instagram handle, and along with the picture, he also shared a family photo, which featured his wife Sunita Kapoor, daughters Sonam and Rhea, son-in-law Anand Ahuja and Karan Boolani, and son Harsh Vardhan Kapoor. Rhea Kapoor-Karan Boolani Wedding: Anil Kapoor Opts For A Blue Kurta And White Dhoti As The Father Of The Bride; Distributes Sweets To Media (Watch Video).

In the caption of the post, he wrote, "And with that, I feel like my Magnum Opus is complete...With our 2 super-daughters and 3 super-sons, we have the biggest blockbuster ever! Our hearts are full and our family is blessed." Anil's daughter and film producer Rhea Kapoor got married to longtime boyfriend Karan Boolani at her father's Juhu bungalow in an intimate ceremony on Saturday night, with the presence of a few family members. Rhea Kapoor-Karan Boolani Wedding: Arjun Kapoor, Anshula Kapoor, Sanjay Kapoor And More Arrive At The Venue (View Pics).

Post her marriage, she shared a beautiful photo from her wedding with Karan and wrote a heartfelt note. It read, "12 years later, I shouldn't have been nervous or overwhelmed because you're my best friend and the best guy ever.But I cried and shook and had stomach flips all the way through because I didn't know how humbling the experience would be." The note further continued, "I'll always be that girl who had to come home to Juhu at 11 pm before my parents fell asleep. Only until now I didn't know how lucky I was to feel torn. I hope we make a family so close that we have many, many loves of our life. Mine are @karanboolani @anilskapoor @kapoor.sunita @sonamkapoor and @harshvarrdhankapoor forever more."

Check Out Anil Kapoor's Instagram Post Below:


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by anilskapoor (@anilskapoor)


Rhea is the second of the three children of Anil and Sunita Kapoor including Sonam and Harshvardhan. She is also the niece of filmmaker Boney Kapoor and has co-produced films such as 'Aisha', 'Khoobsurat' and 'Veere Di Wedding', all three starring Sonam. Rhea reportedly fell in love with Karan Boolani while they were on the film sets, shooting for 'Aisha', and have been going strong ever since.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

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Famous Birthdays on March 5: Eva Mendes, Biju Patnaik, Harry Maguire and Hiten Tejwani – Know About Influential Figures Born on March 5

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