Actor Alia Bhatt shared glimpses from her recent visit to New Delhi with co-actor Ranveer Singh for a song launch event ahead of the release of their upcoming film Rocky aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. The Gully Boy stars arrived in the national capital for the launch of their new song "Ve Kamleya" on Tuesday. Alia took to Instagram on Wednesday to drop pictures from the event and captioned it, “Dil waali Delhi mai apni Kahaani lekar aaye hai Rocky aur Rani.” Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani First Look: Ranveer Singh’s Swag and Style in Karan Johar’s Film Is Sure To Leave You Impressed (View Pics).
Alia channelled her character Rani, who wears stunning sarees in the film, for the occasion. She opted for a beautiful ombre saree and looked stunning in her minimal make-up look and wavy hair. Ranveer, on the other hand, left everyone drooling with his dapper look. He looked dapper in a black suit. His cool hairdo amped up his style quotient. Alia and Ranveer were in a completely fun mood during the song launch. They answered fans' and media questions in a fun and energetic way. The two also showcased their singing skills at the event. The latest song, "Ve Kamleya" song is from Karan Johar's upcoming film Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. The film marks filmmaker Karan Johar's comeback after seven years. Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani: Pics Of Ranveer Singh And Alia Bhatt From The Sets Of Karan Johar’s Film Surface Online.
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Apart from Ranveer and Alia, Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan and Shabana Azmi in the lead roles and is set to hit the theatres on July 28. Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani promises to be a wholesome, big-screen entertainer, blending Johar's storytelling finesse with an impressive ensemble cast, grandeur and music. There were also many scenes of the two romancings and fighting, celebrating all kinds of festivals with their families, and possibly a wedding.