Star couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, who never miss a chance to spend quality time with their little one Raha, were spotted stepping out on Monday. The trio were papped leaving their Mumbai residence in a car. Alia Bhatt’s Glamorous Makeup Selfie Sparks Excitement As She Asks Fans, ‘Kisko Tutorial Chahiye?’.

The Raazi actress opted for a simple white sweatshirt paired with loose blue pants, while he Animal star kept it casual in a green t-shirt, black pants, and a cap. Little Raha looked adorable in a white t-shirt and blue slacks, accessorized with a cute white bow hairband.

Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt Seen with Adorable Daughter Raha in Stylish Yet Casual Look


Alia and Ranbir tied the knot in April 2022 after several years of dating. Their daughter Raha was born in November 2022. On Christmas 2023, Ranbir and Alia surprised fans by making their first public appearance with their little one.

Meanwhile, Ranbir Kapoor is set to appear in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's upcoming film Love and War, which also stars Vicky Kaushal and Alia Bhatt.

Love and War will be the first collaboration between Ranbir Kapoor and Sanjay Leela Bhansali since the actor's 2007 debut Saawariya. While Vicky Kaushal has never worked with the filmmaker, Alia Bhatt collaborated with Bhansali in the 2022 drama Gangubai Kathiawadi. ALT EFF 2024: Alia Bhatt Joins Forces with Eternal Sunshine Productions to Showcase Powerful Environmental Stories

The film was officially announced in January 2024. The original announcement on Instagram read, "We Bring You Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Epic Saga Love & War. See You At The Movies Christmas 2025." It was accompanied by the signatures of the lead trio, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Vicky Kaushal.

Love and War is expected to go on floors in the coming months.