Actor Alia Bhatt celebrated Earth Day by dropping an adorable video on her social media platform, expressing her affection for Mother Nature. The actress on Monday took to her Instagram stories to share a beautiful video with a little note that read, "There is only one Earth that gives us plenty of reasons to be full of mirth with its beauty; we feel blessed in its care, and forever we find rest #HappyEarthDay." Alia appeared stunning in a flowing, multicoloured dress. Her wavy hair danced in the breeze, enhancing her overall appearance. Sporting one of her brightest smiles, she enjoyed a leisurely walk by the bay. Rashmika Mandanna also posted her video under a waterfall with the caption 'Happy Earth Day (sic)." Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt To Reportedly Register Rs 250 Cr Mumbai Bungalow in Daughter Raha’s Name – Details Inside.

On the work front, Alia Bhatt will be seen in Vasan Bala's Jigra, which Karan Johar and Alia herself co-produced. The film is all set to hit theatres on September 27, this year. She is also set to play the lead in a Spy Universe film, which will be filmed later this year. Alia Bhatt Secures Spot On Time's 100 Most Influential People of 2024 List.

View Alia Bhatt’s Insta Story:

Alia Bhatt (Photo Credit: Instagram @aliaabhatt)

Rashmika Mandanna on the other hand, will star in Pushpa 2: The Rule alongside Allu Arjun, one of the year's most anticipated films. Scheduled for release on August 15, 2024, the film features Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna, and Fahadh Faasil in lead roles. The shooting for Pushpa 2 is ongoing and expected to conclude in the coming months.