Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar on Sunday caught up with his Atrangi Re co-star Dhanush and shared a selfie of their moment on social media. The Sooryavanshi actor took to his official Instagram handle and shared a picture in which featured both the actors. Atrangi Re Song Garda: Akshay Kumar’s Magical Number To Be Out On December 14 (Watch Teaser Video).

In the post's caption, Akshay wrote, "Today my #AtrangiRe co-star @dhanushkraja came calling. 'Sir, I always look up to you,' he said. I replied, 'I look up to your amazing talent.' Then we both looked up. And this happened."

The image showed Dhanush wearing light blue colour denim paired with a black tee. He wore a dark blue jacket on top of it. On the other hand, Akshay could be seen sporting an off-white coloured jumpsuit that he paired with a black cap. Atrangi Re Promotions: Dhanush Looks Dapper In All-Black Suit; Sara Ali Khan Stuns In A Dolce & Gabbana Mini Dress (View Pics).

Akshay Kumar With Atrangi Re Co-Star Dhanush


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The earlier launched trailer of Aanand L Rai's 'Atrangi Re' gave audiences a glimpse of the core of the film, a complicated love triangle among the characters played by Sara Ali Khan, Dhanush, and Akshay. The film has been written by Himanshu Sharma and is produced by Bhushan Kumar's T-Series, Colour Yellow Productions, and Cape of Good Films. Atrangi Re is set to release on December 24 only on Disney Plus Hotstar.

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