Rumoured couple Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Panday were spotted at the Mumbai Airport in the early hours of Thursday, as the duo returned from their trip to Lisbon. Although they did not pose together in front of the paps and were seen exiting the airport at different times. Several pictures of Adtiya and Ananya went viral on social media in which they could be seen donning casual outfits. Recently, several mushy pictures of the duo from their vacay went surfaced online. Ananya Panday Is All Smiles During Candid Chat With Rumoured Boyfriend Aditya Roy Kapur in This New Viral Pic From Portugal.

One of the photos shows Aditya and Ananya gazing toward the horizon as he holds her by her arms. Fans quickly took notice of the pictures and reacted to them with heartfelt comments.

"Wow... adorable," a social media user commented.

"They two look good together,' another one wrote.

"Please make it official," a fan wrote.

Aditya and Ananya shared individual posts from the Arctic Monkeys' concert in Spain. Aditya uploaded a small video from a concert on his Instagram Stories along with a blue grinning emoji and a monkey emoji. Ananya also took to her Instagram Stories to share a picture from the concert and wrote, “Nothing quite like the Arctic Monkeys. My favourite song ever." She tagged the location as Madrid, Spain. Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur Spotted Together in Doha, Video Goes Viral – WATCH.

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Aditya and Ananya have been keeping their relationship under wraps. However, the latest pictures definitely made us believe that two are very much in love with each other.

Earlier, during the episode of Koffee With Karan season 7, Ananya talked about finding Aditya attractive. When Karan Johar quizzed about her alleged relationship with actor Ishaan Khatter and dating rumours with actor Kartik Aaryan, Ananya gave a cryptic answer and said she did not wish to dwell in the past. However, Ananya did reveal her newest crush when she said, “I find Aditya Roy Kapur hot.” The duo's dating rumours stared after they made a joint appearance at Kriti Sanon's Diwali bash last year. Neither of them have confirmed about their relationship yet.