After 103 days of filming, director Om Raut on Thursday has announced the wrap up of one of the much-anticipated movies of the year Adipurush starring Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Saif Ali Khan and Sunny Singh in lead roles. Taking to his Twitter handle, Om shared an all smiles picture with the cast of the film and wrote, "It's a shoot wrap for Adipurush!!! A wonderful journey has come to its finish line. Can't wait to share with you the magic we have created. #Adipurush #103DaysOfShoot." Road House: Jake Gyllenhaal, Doug Liman in Talks for the Remake of Rowdy Herrington's 1989 Action Movie.

For the unversed, 'Adipurush' is an upcoming mythological movie directed by Om Raut. The film is Om's new directorial venture after last year's blockbuster 'Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior'. Prabhas will reportedly play Ram in the movie and Sunny will be seen as Lakshman. Kriti is set to essay the role of Sita in the forthcoming film and Saif will portray the role of Raavan. The Legend of Ochi: Willem Dafoe, Emily Watson and Finn Wolfhard to Star in Studio A24's Upcoming Fantasy Movie.

The film, which is slated to get a theatrical release on August 11, 2022, had started production back in February. Produced by Bhushan Kumar, Om, Prasad Sutar, and Rajesh Nair, the film will be released in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada.

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