Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was injured after an intruder attacked him with a knife at his residence in Mumbai, police said on Thursday. Khan was hospitalised following the incident which took place around midnight at the actor's house in Bandra area, they said. Saif Ali Khan Stabbed; Actor Injured After Robber Barges Into His and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Bandra Residence – Read Details.

As per initial information, an unidentified person entered Khan's house and both of them had a scuffle. Some family members of the actor were present in the house at the time of the incident, an official said.

Saif Ali Khan Attacked with Knife at Mumbai Residence

Khan was injured in knife attack by the intruder. He was taken to the Lilavati Hospital in Bandra and was reported to be out of danger, the official said. Saif Ali Khan Injured After Confronting Aggressive Intruder at His Mumbai Home; Police Investigation Underway.

After receiving information about the incident, the Bandra police reached the spot and launched an investigation, he said.