It's a working birthday for Abhishek Bachchan as the actor has commenced the shoot for his film Ghoomer today. Taking to Instagram, Abhishek posted a picture of the film's clapboard placed in front of Lord Ganesha's frame to seek blessings. Abhishek Bachchan Birthday Special: Taking a Look at Every Upcoming Project of the Bollywood Actor.
"Can't ask for a better birthday present! Birthdays are best spent, working. Ghoomer. Now spinning," he captioned the post. Netizens and members of the film industry showered Abhishek with good wishes for the project. Abhishek Bachchan Birthday: 8 Popular Movie Quotes of the Versatile Actor As He Turns 46!
Abhishek Bachchan Begins Ghoomer Shoot
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"Janamdin ki bhaut saari badhai aur Ghoomer ke liye bhi. Ab jhande gaadne ka samay agaya hai," Amitabh Bachchan commented. "Happy birthday. All the best," Bipasha Basu wrote. 'Ghoomer' is being helmed by R Balki. This is Abhishek's second collaboration with Balki after 'Paa'. (ANI)
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