Actor Eiza Gonzalez is set to lead the upcoming thriller feature Wolf Country. According to Variety, the film will be directed by Jennifer Fox, who recently helmed HBO drama The Tale, featuring Oscar winner Laura Dern. The movie is being touted as a "muscular thriller" in the vein of the 2016 Jeff Bridges and Chris Pine-starrer Western Hell or High Water. Outlander Season 6 Wraps Up And Will Air In 2022; Season 7 To Start Filming Next Year (View Pics).
Gonzalez will play a young deputy shunned by her entire community after she uncovers a large drug haul that implicates the town's beloved sheriff, who also happens to be her father. When he escapes custody and flees into the rugged Colorado wilderness, his daughter must face the very man who taught her everything about right and wrong to bring him to justice. Oscar Isaac Confirmed to Star in Marvel’s Moon Knight Series at Disney+.
The film, which will be produced by Endeavor Content and 51 Entertainment, has a script by Peter Begler. Gonzalez is best known for starring in movies such as "Baby Driver", "Bloodshot", "I Care A Lot" and "Hobbs & Shaw". She most recently featured in Warner Bros' "Godzilla vs Kong".
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