New Delhi [India], April 25 (ANI): The National Commission for Minorities chairperson Syed Ghayorul Rizvi on Friday wrote to chief secretaries of states and Union Terrorities (UTs), requesting to issue instructions to all district magistrates (DMs) to ensure availability of fruits and other essential items during Ramzan."You are requested to issue instructions to all the District Magistrates to ensure availability of fruits and other essential items in the Muslim areas required during the Ramzan," said Rizvi in a letter to states and UTs. Special passes could also be issued to selected vendors for supply of these items, he said. He further urged the devotees to perform Namaz and other rituals at their homes instead of mosques during the month of Ramzan so that government directions are complied with for containing the spread of COVID-19. Ramzan is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad, according to Islamic belief.Ramzan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, which involves rigorous fasting for about 30 days. (ANI)
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