New Delhi [India], Jan 13 (ANI): The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) on Monday gave the status of flats in the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) category stating that the DLF constructed 772 houses which have all been allotted."DLF constructed 772 houses which have all been allotted which means the people have found the pricing to be reasonable, which was done by DDA in a transparent manner," the DDA said in a statement.The DDA said that it's meeting on December 21, 2017 regarding this subject was also attended by Representatives belonging to the government of NCT of Delhi."They had no problem with the costing and it was not raised by them so far. Raising the issue at this time is not clear," said the Development authority.The DDA also said that the people had to pay the registry charges twice first to DLF and then to DDA."The DDA sent a letter to the Delhi government on February 9, 2018 and subsequently on May 25, 2018 requesting it to waive off one side of this registration fee. However, no call was taken by them", the DDA said.The authority also stated that the Delhi government did not allot the 36,530 houses built under JNNURM in Narela, Rithala and Dwarka in 2011-12."They have been vacant for 7 years, while people in Delhi struggle for housing. No demand for even a single house under PMAY-U for the people of Delhi has been received by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (Mohua)", the statement read.The Ministry has launched 'Jahaan Jhuggi Wahaan Makaan' scheme to build two lakh homes for the residents in these urban sprawls, the DDA added in the statement. (ANI)

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