New Delhi [India], Dec 10 (ANI): Janata Dal (United) leader Prashant Kishor has expressed disappointment over Nitish Kumar-led party supporting the Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2019 that seeks to grant Indian citizenship to non-Muslim refugees from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan."Disappointed to see JDU supporting CAB that discriminates right of citizenship on the basis of religion. It's incongruous with the party's constitution that carries the word secular thrice on the very first page and the leadership that is supposedly guided by Gandhian ideals," Kishor tweeted on Monday.JDU, a BJP's ally was among those parties which supported the passage of CAB in the lower house of parliament. Lok Sabha passed the Citizenship Bill with a majority of 311 votes against 80 votes in the Lower House where 391 members were present and voted.Kishor, who gained prominence after he led BJP campaign in 2014 Lok Sabha polls, earlier had criticised the National Register of Citizens (NRC) as "botched" exercise. (ANI)
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