New Delhi [India], Dec 19 (ANI): Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) on Thursday bought England's limited over skipper Eoin Morgan but franchise's head coach Brendon Mccullum announced that Dinesh Karthik will remain their captain."'@DineshKarthik is definitely our Captain': Head Coach, @Bazmccullum," KKR tweeted.Morgan was purchased by KKR for INR 5.25 crore in the Indian Premier League (IPL) auctions at Kolkata.Australia's all-rounder Glenn Maxwell has gone to Kings XI Punjab for the price of INR 10.75 crore. Kings XI Punjab and Delhi Capitals went all out to make Maxwell a part of their team, but in the end, Punjab managed to bag the player.KKR also bought Australia's fast bowler Pat Cummins for the price of INR 15.5 crore. With this, the pacer has become the most expensive overseas buy in IPL. (ANI)
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