Amid the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, legendary actor Dilip Kumar on late hours of Monday, March 16 took to Twitter to inform his fans that he is under self-quarantine and safe. The 97-year-old actor who recently got discharged from the hospital following backaches revealed how he is dealing with the situation."I am under complete isolation and quarantine due to #CoronavirusOutbreak. Saira has left nothing to chance, ensuring I do not catch any infection," read Kumar's first tweet about coronavirus. Dilip Kumar Health Update: Veteran Actor Is Better and Recovering From Back Ache, Wife Saira Banu Confirms (Watch Video).

The Naya Daur actor then went to urge people to stop the spread of the virus by staying indoors."I appeal to all of you to protect yourself and others by staying indoors as much as possible. The #CoronavirusOutbreak transcends all boundaries and borders," Kumar tweeted." Follow guidelines issued by health departments, protect yourself and others by limiting your exposure to others," he added. 5 Interesting Trivia About The Dilip Kumar We Bet You Aren't Aware Of.

Check Out Dilip Kumar's Tweet on Self-Quarantine Here:

Dilip Kumar Asks Fans to Stay Indoors:

Several Bollywood celebrities are currently under self-quarantine as all shooting and production work has been halted in India in the light of the spurt in cases of the highly contagious virus. In India, according to official data, there are an estimated 114 cases who have tested positive for COVID-19 with two deaths reported from the infection.