New Delhi [India], Nov 6 (ANI): India wicket-keeper batsman Mahendra Singh Dhoni is likely to begin his new innings as a commentator.The broadcasters have sent the proposal but the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is yet to give permission."Yes, the broadcasters have sent the proposal but no decision has been taken as of now... If BCCI gives the permission then Dhoni would be seen doing commentary on day-night test, to be played in Eden Gardens," a BCCI source told ANI.Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) on October 29 agreed to the proposal of BCCI to play a day-night Test match. The second Test match between both the teams will be played as a day-night Test match at Eden Gardens, beginning from November 22.Currently, India and Bangladesh are playing a three-match T20I series. The visitors won the first T20I by seven wickets, taking a 1-0 lead. (ANI)

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