New Delhi [India], April 24: India and Chennai Super Kings (CSK) batsman Suresh Raina on Friday complimented Ravichandran Ashwin on his ability of bowling in the powerplay overs. Raina said that CSK skipper MS Dhoni believed in Ashwin because of the spinner's ability to take wickets in the opening overs of a match. Ashwin and Raina were doing an Instagram Live session and it was then, that the latter complimented the former."If you see your powerplay bowling average, it has always been below six, you have always provided us with breakthroughs that's why MS believed in you. When you played for Pune and Punjab, I told my team to be careful against you as you had good carrom balls and they always used to trouble the batsmen," Raina told Ashwin during the Instagram Live session. Suresh Raina Relives His Debut ODI Match Against Sri Lanka, Shares Video of His Brilliant Run-Out (View Post).

Raina has played 193 matches for Chennai Super Kings and has managed to score 5,368 runs in the tournament so far.The left-handed batsman is the second-highest run-getter in the history of the IPL, only behind RCB skipper Virat Kohli.On the other hand, Ashwin went on to play 97 matches for CSK, in which he managed to take 90 wickets, with his best season coming in the 2011 edition as he finished with 20 wickets. Chennai Super Kings has won the IPL thrice (2010, 2011, and 2018) and all the titles have come under the leadership of MS Dhoni.

Raina is still with CSK, meanwhile, Ashwin was slated to represent Delhi Capitals this year.IPL was slated to begin from March 29 this year, however, the tournament has been suspended indefinitely due to the coronavirus pandemic. (ANI)

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