New Delhi [India], Mar 28 (ANI): Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) North West Vijayanta Arya and her team have taken responsibility for providing essential items to refugees from Pakistan living at a camp in Majlis Park for during the 21-day lockdown period."There are around 280 families at this refugee camp in Majlis Park. Their livelihood is disturbed due to lockdown. We got information that these people are in great need. We have decided to support people of this camp during the 21 days of the lockdown period. We will provide the essential items including food and medicine," Arya told ANI. She said that all have to work together to combat COVID-19 and it is a collective responsibility to help the needy. Nehru Lal, one of the refugees living at the camp said: "We have come from Pakistan's Sindh. There are around 280 families. We have not able to go out for work. Delhi Police provide us masks and ration. They are saying that they will give us food throughout the lockdown period. We thank the Delhi Police for this."Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced a 21-day nationwide lockdown from March 25 to contain the spread of coronavirus.The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had reported a total of 724 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in India. (ANI)

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