New Delhi [India], Nov 2 (ANI): The 13th edition of ongoing NEC Tamchon Football Tournament kicked off recently at the Ambedkar Stadium in Delhi. Around 16 teams from across the northeast region are competing in one of the most coveted football events organised by the Tangkhul Naga Society Delhi (TNSD). The tournament provides a great platform for the budding football enthusiasts from the north-eastern region to showcase their talent and to connect with the community better."We have organised this event to bring the people and players of the northeast region together," said the president of Tangkhul Naga Society Delhi, Yaruingam Awungshi.The inaugural ceremony held on October 26, in the national capital was graced by MP Lorho S. Pfoze. The flag hoisting was done by the special guest Suakzathang. The ceremony saw the performances on special songs by a group, Khasi youth and Arunachal's Nocte tribe."This is a very good platform for northeastern teenagers and youngsters who have a passion for football. Occasions like this boost the confidence of players and other participants who take part in cultural events," said a participant of the cultural programme, Clarice.Pfoze lauded the event and expressed excitement over providing a top-notch platform to the aspiring players of north-eastern states. "This tournament has become such a wonderful thing and it one platform for building national integration and I want the rest of the state to recognise the potential of northeast India and carry forward building infrastructure," said Pfoze for the tournament supported by Ministry of Home Affairs. Renzong FC, Kangleicha FC and Ukhrul United FC and BODO FC will go head to head on Sunday, whereas, the final match of the championship will be held on November 9. (ANI)

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