Lucknow, January 7: The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) on Tuesday said it will not form any alliance and contest the assembly elections in Delhi on its own. Party chief Mayawati said BSP is a party of the poor and the oppressed, which stays away from muscle and money power. Mayawati, in a post on X, further expressed hope that the Election Commission would ensure the Delhi Assembly polls were not tainted by the "misuse of government machinery, communalism, and other vile propaganda". Delhi Assembly Elections 2025: From Arvind Kejriwal to Parvesh Verma and Alka Lamba, List of Key Candidates From AAP, BJP, Congress and Their Constituencies.
"BSP is fighting this election on its own strength with full preparation and strength. It is expected that the party will definitely perform well in this election," she posted. "Elections are the backbone of democracy and BSP, a party of the poor and the oppressed, which stays away from muscle and money power, expects from the Election Commission that in order to conduct free and fair elections, it will protect the elections from being contaminated by communalism and other disgusting propaganda along with misuse of government machinery," she said. ‘Avoid Offering Freebies That Can Hit State’s Financial Health’, Says Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar.
In an appeal to the voters, Mayawati said they should not get swayed by any party's "tempting promises" and should use their votes wisely and vote only for BSP candidates "who are dedicated to public interest and public welfare". Assembly polls in Delhi will be held on February 5 and the votes will be counted on February 8. The last date to file nominations is January 17 and the scrutiny of nominations will be done by January 18.
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