New Delhi, December 30: Coming down heavily on Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener and former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal over his Rohingya settlement claims, Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Monday said that by supporting Rohingyas again and again, Kejriwal is tampering with India's security. In a video shared by Puri's office, the Union Minister attacked Kejriwal saying, that repeating lies doesn't make them true; and the truth is that till now no Rohingya has been ever provided with any flat anywhere.

"Koi aisa saga nahi jisko Kejriwal ne thaga nahi..Just because a lie is spread again and again, it won't become truth... the truth is that till now no Rohingya has been ever provided with any flat anywhere. Those who are doing this fake sloganeering also know this," he said. Puri accused AAP's MLA of providing free ration, water and electricity to the Rohingyas saying that everyone knows whose voters Rohingyas are. "Arvind Kejriwal's MLA made Rohingyas stay in Delhi and gave them free ration, water and electricity, also provided Rs 10,000 and got their voter ID card. The whole country knows, whose voters Rohingyas are. By supporting Rohingyas again and again, Kejriwal is tampering with India's security. This is a very low level of politics," he said. Pujari Granthi Samman Yojana: AAP Will Give Temple, Gurdwara Priest INR 18,000 a Month if Returns to Power, Announces Arvind Kejriwal (Watch Video).

Puri's remarks came after AAP Chief Arvind Kejriwal earlier today claimed that Hardeep Singh Puri and Amit Shah have all the data on how and where they have settled Rohingyas. Kejriwal said "I request them to arrest Hardeep Singh Puri. He has all the data on where he settled Rohingyas and how. He tweeted and gave the information. Hardeep Singh Puri and Amit Shah have all the data on how and where they have settled Rohingyas." Arvind Kejriwal Rubbishes Delhi LG VK Saxena's Inquiry in Mahila Samman Yojana, Says BJP Afraid of Defeat in Assembly Elections (Watch Video).

On Sunday, Puri dismissed the Aam Aadmi Party's allegations of operating "Operation Lotus" in Delhi for voter manipulation and challenged the notion that Rohingyas, whom AAP has accused the party of settling in Delhi for votes, would ever support the BJP. In a sharp rebuttal to AAP's accusations of voter manipulation, Hardeep Puri questioned the credibility of the claims. "Do you think that the Rohingyas, in any condition, will vote for the BJP? There is no chance that they will vote for us," Hardeep Puri asserted, turning the tables on the accusations.

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