Actor Deepika Padukone, who is badminton legend Prakash Padukone's elder daughter, spent her Sunday afternoon playing the sport. After sweating it out at the court, Deepika posted a picture of herself on Instagram. "The post (badminton) glow," she captioned the photograph. Netizens are in complete awe of her glow. Tom Cruise Chats With SpaceX's Crew of Private Astronauts Orbiting in Dragon Capsule.

"That glow," a user commented. "Wow. Your skin looks so refreshing," another one wrote. Her post has also caught ace shuttler PV Sindhu's attention.

"After how many calories," Sindhu quipped. Deepika and Sindhu recently met each other for a dinner in Mumbai. Ruth Wilson Shares How Jude Law Inspired Her to Produce the Movie 'True Things'.

Deepika Padukone Flaunts Her Post Badminton Glow


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Meanwhile, on the film front, Deepika will be seen sharing screen space with Ananya Panday and Siddhant Chaturvedi in Shakun Batra's next. She is also a part of 'The Intern' remake.

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