Gajapati (Odisha) [India], May 13 (ANI): In a unique gesture, highlighting the police-public coordination for "public good", police officers, staff of the district along with general public under the leadership of Superintendent of Police (SP) Sarah Sharma have contributed Rs 6,14,076 to the Chief Ministers' Relief Fund (CMRF).Sarah Sharma handed over the cheque to the Principal Secretary, General Administration and Public Grievances, SN Girish at his office on Sunday."In humble response to the call of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, the police personnel of the district have contributed from their own salary and the people have contributed voluntarily from their own earning for utilization in restoration and relief works through CMRF in the areas severely affected by the monstrous cyclone Fani," Sarah Sharma said talking about their contribution.Over one crore and sixty-five lakh people got affected by the cyclone in the state and death toll has touched 43 with Puri, recording the maximum number of casualties at 21.Massive damage to power infrastructure, particularly in the districts of Puri, Khurda, Cuttack, and Kendrapada, has also been reported.Cyclone Fani which made landfall in Puri district on May 3 left a trail of destruction in the state. (ANI)

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