Bhubaneswar (Odisha) [India], May 11 (ANI): Odisha Information and Public Relations secretary said that the government has provided enough food to the cyclone-affected districts Puri and Khordha."We have given around 3500 quintals of dry food in Puri and Khordha districts. We are also providing free kitchens where people are coming and having their meal," said Information and Public Relations secretary Sanjay Singh.Chief secretary SAP Padhi also attended the national crisis meeting under the chairmanship of cabinet secretary PK Sinha. He discussed the state of telecom and power in the state which came to a standstill during the cyclone."There is a substantial improvement in the telecom situation. More gangs have reached Odisha and materials have also been moved. A definite roadmap has also been worked out for electrification," said chief secretary Padhi.Special state level bankers committee also held a meeting to discuss the measures to be adopted by banks and insurance companies in cyclone-affected areas.It was resolved that banks will implement the master directions of RBI in affected areas. Banks were also asked to ensure that the existing loans get rescheduled and fresh loans extended to businesses affected by the cyclone.Insurance companies were also asked to relax the document requirement and expedite the process of releasing the claims in affected areas. (ANI)
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