New Delhi [India], Aug 11 (ANI): The Congress Working Committee (CWC) on Saturday applauded Rahul Gandhi for stepping down as party president taking "personal responsibility" for the grand old party's dismal performance in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections and thereby "setting new standards of accountability in public life"."Rahul Gandhi's instinctive moral compass is evident from the manner in which he has taken personal responsibility for the disappointing performance of the party in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, thereby setting new standards of accountability in public life. The CWC applauds his courage, commitment and conviction in stepping down as Congress President which was a deeply personal decision," read a resolution passed by the CWC after a meeting here. Rahul, who took over the reins of the party in 2017, had tendered resignation as party chief at the CWC meeting on May 25, taking moral responsibility for the party's drubbing in the general elections.The CWC said Rahul led the party with unbounded drive, fierce determination and dedication. "He campaigned in the Assembly and national elections with indefatigable energy. He stood up fearlessly on issues of day-to-day concern to kisans, khet mazdoors, workers, traders and small businesses, youth, women, minorities, dalits and adivasis and the weaker sections of our society," read the resolution. The CWC said that the party leader raised his voice boldly against the growing atmosphere of fear and intimidation in the country. "These issues continue to be of significant relevance irrespective of the electoral verdict of May 2019," the resolution said."Rahul Gandhi gave a new sense of aggression and modernity to the party organisation and opened up numerous opportunities to the younger generation. He inspired every Congress worker through his never-say-die attitude and earned their admiration and respect," it further read. The CWC has appointed Sonia Gandhi as "interim president" of the party nearly two-and-half months after her son Rahul Gandhi resigned as the party chief. (ANI)

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