New Delhi [India], April 14: The upcoming edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) is likely to be postponed indefinitely as Prime Narendra Modi announced the extension of the nationwide lockdown as a precautionary measure against COVID-19. The sources within the BCCI confirmed the development hours after PM Modi's announcement."Since lockdown has been extended, we have to postpone the IPL for the time being, the decision will be intimated, we will discuss the matter later today," sources within BCCI told ANI. IPL 2020 on Verge of Cancellation As COVID-19 Lockdown in India Gets Extended Till May 3.

Earlier today, PM Modi announced that India will remain under lockdown till May 3 to contain COVID-19 cases. The 21-day lockdown, which was announced by the Prime Minister last month, was slated to end today."Till 20th April, all districts, localities, states will be closely monitored, as to how strictly they are implementing norms. States which will not let hotspots increase, they could be allowed to let some important activities resume, but with certain conditions," Modi informed the nation in a televised address. IPL 2020 to Be Held Between July-September? BCCI Looking at a Possible Window: Report

The IPL was slated to begin from March 29, but the tournament had to be postponed until April 15 due to the coronavirus pandemic. At the time of BCCI's announcement, the Central government had also suspended all visas to India till April 15 as part of measures to contain the spread of the pandemic. The country has reported 10,363 COVID-19 cases so far. Out of the total, 8988 are active cases, 1036 have been cured and 339 have died due to the infection.

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