Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], Mar 25 (ANI): Panchayat Raj Teachers' Union members of Telangana have announced a donation of Rs 16 crore to the Chief Minister's relief fund amid coronavirus outbreak."Panchayat Raj Teachers' Union (Telangana State) members have announced a donation of Rs 16 Crore to the CM's relief Fund. The consent letter given by the PRTU members to give one-day salary as donation, is handed over to Chief Minister Sri K Chandrashekhar Rao by PRTU President Sri Pingili Sripal Reddy, Secretary Sri Birelli Kamalakar Rao on Tuesday at Pragathi Bhavan. Sri Sripal Reddy and Sri Kamalakar Rao have also donated their one month salary through a Cheque to the CM," Telangana Chief Minister's Office said.According to CMO, Tandur MLA Sri Pilot Rohit Reddy also donated his one month's salary of Rs 2.50 lakh to the CM's relief fund through a Cheque to the Chief Minister.According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India has reported about 536 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 and 10 deaths till date. (ANI)
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