London [UK], Aug 22 (ANI/Sputnik): Irish airline Ryanair on Wednesday (local time) announced it has won an injunction in a Dublin court against a 48-hour strike by its pilots in Ireland but lost the case in the United Kingdom."Ryanair welcomes this morning's Irish High Court ruling to prevent a small minority of Irish pilots striking on August 22 and August 23," the airline said in a statement.The row over pay raise between the low-cost carrier and the Forsa trade union threatened to disrupt plans of thousands of passengers in Ireland during the last week of the school holidays, it said.But Ryanair's bid to stop industrial action by its UK-based pilots failed after the London High Court refused to issue an injunction. The airline promised that UK-bound flights would operate as scheduled."Thanks to the great work and volunteerism of the vast majority of our UK based pilots, Ryanair now expects to operate its full schedule of flights to/from our UK airports," it said. (ANI/Sputnik)

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