Christchurch [New Zealand], Mar 18 (ANI): New Zealand Cricket (NZC) on Wednesday cancelled all community cricket programmes, including clubs and schools, for the rest of the season in a bid to contain the coronavirus pandemic."New Zealand Cricket, in conjunction with its Major and District Associations, have agreed to cancel community cricket, including clubs, schools, programmes and training, for the rest of the season. This decision follows our most recent medical advice and recognises our obligations towards the New Zealand cricket family and the wider public interest," the NZC said in a statement.The NZC on Monday cancelled the last two rounds of the domestic Plunket Shield competition as a precaution against the spread or transmission of COVID-19.The Wellington Firebirds, currently 26 points ahead of nearest challenger, the Central Stags, will be awarded the 2019-20 title. The NZC has also postponed the New Zealand Cricket Awards, scheduled for March 30, for similar reasons.Earlier, the remaining ODI series and upcoming three T20Is between Australia and New Zealand were postponed until further notice. (ANI)

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