Margao (Goa) [India], Feb 26 (ANI): Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Meenakshi Lekhi has accused national convener of the Congress' social media department Hasiba Amin of running a Whatsapp political group consisting five Pakistanis who deride Prime Minister Narendra Modi."National convener of the Indian National Congress (INC) social media department Hasiba Amin runs a Whatsapp political group which has five 'Pakis' who deride Prime Minister Narendra Modi," Lekhi said on Monday during BJP Yuva Morcha interaction at Margao South Goa.The BJP leader asked Congress president Rahul Gandhi as to "why Pakistani nationals were a part of a Congress Whatsapp group called 'India Political Network' in which national political issues are discussed."Earlier, the BJP had accused the Congress of running an anti-Narendra Modi campaign in Pakistan through an advertisement on social media. (ANI)

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