Mandsaur (Madhya Pradesh) [India], Jan 11 (ANI): Congress MLA from Suwasra in Mandsaur district, Hardeep Singh Dang on Saturday supported the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) but said that it needed to be seen separately from the National Register of Citizens (NRC)."If we see CAA and NRC separately, there is no harm if someone who is unhappy in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan gets facilities here. But this should also be considered that they are asking people, whose generations were born and raised in India, to furnish documents under NRC," Dang told reporters here."The whole politics revolves around the fact that the people are mixing up both CAA and NRC," he clarified.Congress MLA further said that he along with Jyotiraditya Scindia had also supported the Centre's move to abrogate Article 370, which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir, last year.His statement comes on the day when the Congress Working Committee (CWC) demanded that the CAA should be withdrawn and the process of National Population Register (NPR) should be stopped, in a meeting in New Delhi.The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, grants citizenship to Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis, Buddhists and Christians fleeing religious persecution from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh and who came to India on or before December 31, 2014. (ANI)

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