New Delhi [India], Nov 28 (ANI): BJP MP Poonam Mahajan on Thursday attacked Uddhav Thackeray and the coalition government in Maharashtra after congratulating the Shiv Sena chief for taking the oath of the chief minister."Congratulations to Uddhavji on becoming Maharashtra CM. We will see how far their 3-wheeler cart will go. Only Sharad Pawarji is keeping this unnatural alliance together, Congress does not even have 10 per cent say in the government. They are just watching over from Delhi," Mahajan told ANI here.She further asserted that the three parties which had entered into a coalition were unnatural allies and as such it would be very difficult for them to find a common thought."Let them first have a common ideology before they can form a common minimum program. The Shiv Sena has worked with us for many years, we will see how many common thoughts can the three parties have," Mahajan said.She further expressed the hope that in future the Shiv Sena will return to the fold of BJP by saying, "We were working under a common ideology but now they have become 'secular', I think they will come back to their natural ideology." Thackeray took over as chief minister over a month after the results of the Maharashtra elections were announced.Apart from Thackeray, six leaders -- two each from Congress, Shiv Sena, and NCP -- took oath as ministers in Maharashtra's alliance government. They were administered the oath of office and secrecy by Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari at Shivaji Park here.Congress' Balasaheb Thorat and Nitin Raut, NCP's Jayant Rajaram Patil, and Chhagan Chandrakant Bhujbal took oath as ministers. From Shiv Sena, Eknath Shinde and Subhash Desai were sworn in as ministers.Uddhav is the first member of the Thackeray family to become the Chief Minister of Maharashtra and the third Shiv Sena leader to hold the top post after Manohar Joshi and Narayan Rane. (ANI)
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