Roorkee (Uttarakhand) [India], April 7 (ANI): To augment government efforts for surveillance of COVID suspects, Prof Kamal Jain of Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, has developed a tracking mobile application."The tracking system allows for state-of-the-art surveillance during COVID-19. Besides facilitating quarantine management, it helps to overcome overcrowding at any location by issuing an alert to the predefined agency," said Prof Jain.The application can track individuals and draw a geofence around them. The system automatically gets an alert if the quarantined person violates the geofencing. Besides live tracking, the administrator can also view the entire movement history of the individual.Apart from using the GPS data, the location of the person can also be received through SMS, in case the internet is not working.Other features of the app include multi-camera support, surveillance magnetic device, halt time and auto camera click."We are committed to aiding the efforts of the government during this unprecedented time. This system will greatly help in tracking and surveillance of COVID 19 suspects," said Prof Ajit K Chaturvedi, Director, IIT-Roorkee. (ANI)

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