Raipur (Chhattisgarh) [India], Mar 14 (ANI): Chhattisgarh health minister TS Singh Deo on Friday said the Chief Minister's Office should have ensured that he attended the meeting called on the coronavirus crisis."Maybe the meeting was called in haste but I think the Chief Minister's Office should have made sure that the health minister attended it," Deo told reporters here.This comes after Deo was not invited for a meeting on coronavirus at the residence of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on March 12.In the meeting, Baghel had reviewed the measures and preparation to tackle the spread of coronavirus in the state and directed several departments to take immediate actions for the same.A decision to close all schools and colleges in the state till March 31 was taken in the meeting, in line with the advisory issued by the central government.So far, 82 confirmed cases of coronavirus have been reported in the country. (ANI)
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