Kollam (Kerala) [India], April 22 (ANI): Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Tuesday expressed gratitude towards a cashew worker from Kollam for donating Rs 5,101 to Chief Minister Disaster Relief Fund (CMDRF) in the fight against COVID-19.Lalithamma, the cashew worker, had approached some officers on patrolling duty to donate the said amount to CMRD."Lalithamma is a cashew worker from Kollam. The other day, she stopped some officers on patrol. She had one demand, that she wants to contribute to CMDRF. Through them, she gave Rs 5101 for COVID19 efforts. Thank you Lalithamma," Vijayan tweeted.He added that "we will prevail because we have people like you (Lalithamma)".As per the Union Health Ministry, Kerala has reported 408 positive COVID-19 cases, including 291 cured and discharged and 3 deaths. (ANI)

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