North 24 Parganas (West Bengal) [India], Jan 17 (ANI): A clash broke out between two groups in Kamarhati's Dasu Bagan area, police said on Friday."A few people were injured in the clash. Few motorbikes, shops and a flat were torched. Police conducted area domination exercise," said Manoj Verma, Commissioner of Police, Barrackpore.Speaking to ANI, TMC leader Madan Mitra said: "Some anti-social elements are trying to gain control of the area of Kamarhati. I appeal to the public to stay safe as the anti-social elements do not have any culture.""I have full confidence in the Barrackpore Commissionerate. I have been assured that the administration will take the necessary measures to maintain peace. I will be visiting the spot," added Mitra.Further investigation is underway to ascertain the reasons for the clash. (ANI)
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