New Delhi [India], Jan 30 (ANI): Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday said that the Citizenship Act of the country has provision for Muslims from Pakistan who want to come and stay in India and as many as 600 such people have been given citizenship during the last five-six years."If any Muslim brother from Pakistan wants to come to India and wants to stay here, then we have a provision in our citizenship act, through which they can get Indian citizenship. And I wish to tell you, we have given citizenship to 600 such Muslim brothers who came from Pakistan during the last 5-6 years, still, attempts are made to provoke hatred," the Minister said while addressing a public meeting in Delhi.The Minister further added that India is the only country that has given the message of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,' to the world. The phrase means the world is one family."People who are trying to spread hatred need to understand India's character. India is the only country whose saints and seers did not only treat the people of their country as their family but they also accepted the people of the world as their family and gave the message of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' to the world. India is the only country that gave the message," the Minister said.The Minister was addressing a public meeting ahead of the elections to Delhi Assembly. (ANI)
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